Dr. Andrea BrogdonÂ
Andrea is a licensed physician of Chinese medicine in the state of New Mexico and a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Colorado. She is certified in the treatment of acupuncture, Oriental medicine and Chinese herbology by the National Certification Committee of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
Andrea specializes in treating difficult cases including neuropathy, fertility, complex chronic pain, and failed back surgeries. During her time in practice she continues to train with some of the best doctors in the country at treating difficult diseases in order to consistently bring the best treatment options to her patients.
"I created AAIM to bring a world class healing environment that supports recovery to the people of Albuquerque. It brings me great joy to see patients living their best life, free from debilitating pain and illness."
-Dr. Andrea Brogdon, DOM
Why Acupuncture?
In her undergraduate studies Andrea studied pre-med at the University of New Mexico. During her final year of undergraduate studies as she began preparing her applications for medical school she experienced her own health obstacle. After receiving no answers, despite many tests, Andrea did not want to take medication to remedy her symptoms with no understanding of what caused them.
Andrea embarked on her own health journey seeking to find a natural way of healing her body through nutrition, herbs, lifestyle changes, and acupuncture. She experienced such a positive health change that she decided to forgo western medical school to pursue a career helping others achieve health naturally.
10400 Academy Rd. NE,
Suite 210
Albuquerque, NM 87111
(505) 355-1984
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